
Why do we call this “Community Magic?”

Our idea is to greatly increase the number of people in Philadelphia who help other members of society, so it will seem like magic when people get connected to who or what they need… (see Ashby’s Law and The Strength of Weak Ties.)


People’s personal networks, the public social services, government agencies, and charitable programs are all too frequently incapable of providing the economic and social supports people need. The public resources are only meant as a “safety net” and they are often overloaded.

We believe that there are many people willing to help others. They could use better tools and resources designed to support their instinct to be helpful in order to be more effective.

Our Goal!

To dramatically grow the beneficial economic and social connections among the people of Philadelphia. We expect to build Internet and community institutions that make it possible for everyone in Philadelphia to have at least one person to call on in their community who has the time and the resources to listen and help find the social suports needed to make their life less stressful. (see Librarians for the Community)