Local Links
- Wikidelphia Category System (WCS)- This is the system used to tag and organize entries in Wikidelphia.
- Philly Custom Search – Google search of more than 250 Philadelphia websites selected for their credible, current, and philadelphia-relevant information — instead of searching billions of sites on Google. We are using Google Custom Search to provide a more edited, targeted search for Philadelphia information.
- Event Calendars – This page is a collection of links for event calendars from many groups in the City.
- Employment Counseling – A listing of organizations and services that offer guidance for job seekers.
- We Work In Philly – a community edited guide to the People, Companies, Groups, Projects, Products, and Resources that make up the creative, technology, and business community in Philadelphia.
- Net Tuesday Philadelphia Meetup – This is a monthly meeting of people who are interested in the use of the Internet for nonprofit goals and positive social change.
Do you have a favorite local site that would be of interest to other Connectors? Write to Stan at Communitymagic.org to let us know about it.
Do you have a favorite local site that would be of interest to other Connectors? Write to Stan at Communitymagic.org to let us know about it.