00:06:33 Shannon McArthur: approval = love 00:06:58 Shannon McArthur: love = life 00:07:39 Kathryn Alexander, MA: That’s why safety is so important to growth, creativity and risk. 00:09:29 Kurt Krueger: Bob, do you also feel teh indigenous tribe has the same issues of “being accepted”? 00:10:39 Kathryn Alexander, MA: @Kurt - I’ve thought that part of the indindeous pain is the disbelief the humans could NOT be accepting. 00:11:48 Shannon McArthur: too many negatives in that for me Kathryn. What do you really mean? 00:12:32 Stanley Pokras: . ..oOo.. ========================== . We have an email list for ChatPeople where we send a daily message to the list that points to all of the HR recordings and Chats since mid July. We also have an interactive list called ChatAction for people to discuss their interests. Write to me to be added to one or both of the lists. -- stan@communitymagic.org ========================== 00:13:42 Shannon McArthur: the point of the exercise is to offer the choice to others so they get to change themselves - not one at a time!! 00:13:55 Kathryn Alexander, MA: My understanding of the the pain many indigenous people feel is the sense of betrayal at whites who do NOT honor the humanity of others by accepting them 00:14:18 Shannon McArthur: thank you, Kathryn. I understand. 00:14:33 Kathryn Alexander, MA: I think safety is a key factor! 00:14:48 Kurt Krueger: Do you have any insights into how a National Department of Peace would optimally function? If you please connect with me. SuccessSystemsInternational@gmail.com 00:15:09 Shannon McArthur: yes! 00:16:06 Kathryn Alexander, MA: @Kurt - I’ll send my talk on values and governance. It shows how different or choices are depending upon the value system we use. That might help. 00:17:08 Kurt Krueger: Pachamama Alliance does programs visually with similar results in the feelings of unity that the Awaken the Dreamer, Change the Dream Symposium. 00:19:53 Tim Heide: do we use that Instrument? https://www.researchgate.net/publication/309392145_Determining_social_media_impact_on_the_politics_of_developing_countries_using_social_network_analytics 00:22:45 Kathryn Alexander, MA: We are backwards…LOL 00:23:40 Anne-Marie Goncalves Desai: coach.annemarie@me.com 00:23:40 berend-jan hilberts: b.hilberts@me.com 00:24:22 David S: Albert Schweitzer (I think): “ Example is not the best way to influence people, it is the ONLY way.” David Stoney 00:24:46 Tim Heide: https://www.businessinsider.com/most-memorable-tv-ad-according-to-neuroscience-2016-3?r=DE&IR=T 00:24:51 KenHaldenstein: khaldenstein@optonline.net 00:25:44 Rosemary's iPad: Rosemaryrayner@freeuk.com 00:28:03 David S: sstoney39@gmail.com - Samuel David Stoney 00:32:15 Bruce Schuman: bruceschuman@cox.net http://integralontology.net 00:33:18 daniel: drieders@gmail.com. Daniel Rieders, MD 00:33:19 Kurt Krueger: I married a Swede and got to teach at Stockholm U. . Magical open outdoor life. 00:33:59 Stanley Pokras: George Lakey is the author of Viking Economics, how the scandinavians got it right - and how we can, too. 00:39:18 Anne-Marie Goncalves Desai: the leadership circle: https://leadershipcircle.com/en/home/ 00:39:56 Leo Jacoby: MORE SLIDE CONTENT FROM TODAY'S HR SLIDE: PATRIARCHAL STRUCTURES OVER-CONTROLLING < == > CAUTIOUS COMPLYING 00:40:12 Leo Jacoby: SLIDE: Clear Head -- Steady Hand -- Tender Heart From DISMISSING to SECURE CHILL OUT - ACTIVATE VENTRAL VAGAL NERVE * SLOW AND DEEP BREATHING * YIN YOGA, MEDITATION, MASSAGE From ANXIOUS-PREOCCUPIED to SECURE GROW A SPINE - ACTIVATE SNS * QUICK AND SHALLOW BREATHING * POWER YOGA, CARDIO EXERCISE From FEARFUL-AVOIDANT to SECURE BOTH: CHILL OUT AND GROW A SPINE SLIDE: LOVE AND FEAR Ascending Current: PURPOSE (LOVE) Reactive >> Creative >> Integral Descending Current: SAFETY (FEAR) Integral >> Creative >> Reactive 00:40:30 Leo Jacoby: SLIDE: OUR AUTONOMIC NERVOUS SYSTEM - POLYVAGAL THEORY Our Autonomic Nerve System consists of two branches: • Sympathetic (Fight or Flight) • Parasympathetic (Rest and Digest) two parts: • Ventral Vagal (social engagement) • Dorsal Vagal (death threat) (VVC) Ventral Vagal Complex: Signaling System for motion, emotion & communication (Our Social Engagement System) (SNS) Sympathetic Nervous System: Mobilization System for Flight or Fight Behaviors (Our Aggressive Defense System) (DVC) Dorsal Vagal Complex: Immobilization System for Conservation Withdrawal {Our Passive Defense System) Our Autonomic Nervous System fires muscular tensions triggered by feedback signals from the external and internal world at millisecond speeds below conscious awareness. These muscles tensions fire our Thoughts? (Tissues // Issues)? 00:42:42 Tim Heide: @Rose; I think that´s just to a certain Point https://writingcooperative.com/the-power-of-positive-criticism-fe3b3a31fc66?gi=85c86c91c12 00:43:27 Liliane Mavridara: I wanted to add to a previous comment, that in the Ancient Greek World, and later, the greatest punishment was not death but being ostracized. 00:43:43 Liliane Mavridara: and shunned out of the community 00:43:50 Lesley Southwick-Trask: Hi my beautiful friends…I have to jump into another meeting - Shannon is graciously taking the baton. 00:44:07 Liliane Mavridara: Bye Love 00:44:18 Kurt Krueger: Les, Love you :) 00:44:33 Kathryn Alexander, MA: Blessings Lesley! 00:44:47 David S: Bye Lesley… David 00:45:06 Lesley Southwick-Trask: @Bob and @ Berend - deep gratitude for what you have shared with us - on the main stage and here. 00:45:24 Bruce Schuman: thanks lesley 00:45:24 Kurt Krueger: We’re getting connecting with Marianne Williamson and Dennis Kusenich about the DOP.! 00:45:36 Liliane Mavridara: DOP? 00:45:44 Kathryn Alexander, MA: @Kurt - Yes 00:45:49 Kurt Krueger: Department of Peace 00:46:08 Kathryn Alexander, MA: @Bob and @ Berend - thank you both SO much!!! 00:46:35 KenHaldenstein: Kurt do you work with the DOP? 00:46:37 Liliane Mavridara: Well, yes, Marianne has been on it for a while, Dennis and his wife too. 00:46:59 KenHaldenstein: Kucinich 00:47:02 Kurt Krueger: We’re in the process of creating it! Join us. :) 00:47:38 KenHaldenstein: Sure Kurt, I would be very interested in that. I am a semi-retired litigation lawyer with training in mediation and coaching 00:48:21 Kurt Krueger: 1-818-399-0771 is the best way to communicate - FaceTime, WhatsApp. 00:48:59 David S: Marvelous how many strands of being are possible in this world and how important it is to be open so that we can both find and transcend our own self in our interactions… David Stoney 00:49:14 Liliane Mavridara: Oh Bruce <3 00:49:31 Tim Heide: I don´t know the numbers, however These People should be easier to get: https://reachrightstudios.com/church-statistics-2020/ 00:50:22 Tim Heide: today i sent an email to an old classmate, she was Pretty religous. I´m curious if she will get it... 00:52:11 Tim Heide: copy Paste: T H Anhänge 16:01 (vor 3 Stunden) an l.kaniki-muley Hallo Laurette, danke für deine tolle Arbeit. Ich würde mich gerne mal mit dir über den Congo unterhalten. Hier ein kleiner Einblick in das was so los ist: https://egfwd.com/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ByjnJUWStyI&t=15s https://www.weforum.org/ https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=pamro+day+1 https://www.epichub.org/ https://www.ecogood.org/ Tickets kostenlos: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/downscaling-the-doughnut-whats-cooking-in-brussels-cambridge-and-berlin-tickets-128473524771? Mein Facebook (lass dich nicht von Trump abschrecken, ich bin mir zu 100% sicher): https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100056574493121 https://www.facebook.com/tim.thai.90 https://www.linkedin.com/in/tim-heide-ab49531b8/ https://twitter.com/Tim8Earth Falls Du verstehst was ich dir hier schicke würde ich mich freuen von dir zu hören. Schau mal in den Wirkungsbericht bei 100% Love (Rohstoffeinkauf im Kongo) 00:52:40 Tim Heide: … https://www.shiftphones.com/ https://www.givelively.org/ https://www.epichub.org/ https://www.socialcode.world/startseite/ UN "Kids" https://youtu.be/qO9jKmWC7bg Welcome to our new World: https://youtu.be/5AnTztkNqlg Ich würde mich freuen wenn du mitmachst LG Tim 00:52:51 Anne-Marie Goncalves Desai: thank you Bob and Berend-Jan for a great presentation, and all of you beautiful people. I have another commitment I need to attend 00:53:53 Bruce Schuman: bruceschuman@cox.net 00:53:57 Rosemary's iPad: Thankyou every one..a brilliant presentation but have to leave now 🙏 00:54:00 Shannon McArthur: sparklingwithall@gmail.com 00:54:10 Shannon McArthur: bye Rosemary, come back! 00:54:45 Bruce Schuman: http://integralontology.net http://origin.org 00:55:14 berend-jan hilberts: Thank you for inviting me into this after party - I wasn’t expecting it. I heard so much wisdom and passion and feel invigorated. Unfortunately I have to leave now. 00:55:28 Shannon McArthur: thank you for coming! 00:55:34 berend-jan hilberts: Bye, hope to engage again in the future! 00:55:36 Shannon McArthur: A true pleasure - come back! 00:55:43 Shannon McArthur: We’re here every day after HR 00:56:51 Leo Jacoby: MORE ON THIS TOPIC SUBSCRIBE TO B-J's NEWSLETTER www.unshackledgrowth.com/sign-up GO TO BOB'S SELF-ASSESSMENT www.leadershipcircle.com 00:58:36 Mushin: Great chat and Thank you and bless you. Mushin 00:58:51 KenHaldenstein: Kurt, since I recently retired from full time litigation practice, I would have time to get involved and hopefully contribute to the DOP project (when I am not playing golf!…). Sounds great! 00:59:38 Liliane Mavridara: Thank you Leo! 01:00:20 Liliane Mavridara: Agree Stanley! 01:01:03 Liliane Mavridara: Yes, this is part of the admin 01:01:38 Amy McKenzie: Love that idea Shannon! Have to run. Keep me posted! 💗 01:04:03 Liliane Mavridara: I think a general admin chat is called for again 01:04:47 Liliane Mavridara: Need to leave, see you guys tomorrow! 01:05:17 Kurt Krueger: Give a call Ken and anyone else. :) 01:07:26 KenHaldenstein: OK Kurt, for reference, my cell is 914-310-7912. thanks 01:07:45 franka strietzel: ich bin auch Deutsche 01:08:22 Shannon McArthur: franka!! of course you are! 01:08:53 Tim Heide: DeepL 01:09:18 Tim Heide: DeepL seems to be better 01:10:26 Jea: John E. Yellen 01:10:42 Tim Heide: Thats th App I like most: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.wgiworldwide.lyra 01:10:53 Tim Heide: However, u won´t Need it 01:13:04 Bruce Schuman: Ok, will monitor audio -- and go work on ActionPeople 01:13:18 Shannon McArthur: thanks Bruce! 01:13:36 Kathryn Alexander, MA: money provides a bit of safety - so I think the real questions is how much is enough? 01:14:03 Kathryn Alexander, MA: And how to manage that at scale 01:14:03 Tim Heide: actually we do have a lot of Money on our side already. These People know we would be better without money 01:14:16 David S: Thanks, Tim. Worship of the god of wealth is killing us… David 01:14:26 Tim Heide: ist just difficult to Show society 01:15:16 marciaraffstudio: In our real world there are those that don’t have enough to eat and the prediction is that more people will be hungry by January. 01:15:20 Jea: jochenkik@t-online.de That's of my work... Save our planet - Save our existence ! [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jkFE-XP2QQD3Olg0qN7Fzh8sZ099X6lMBUzgAg3cljo/edit?usp=sharing] 01:16:04 Jea: or as a 'Response to #FaceTheClimateEmergency' [https://docs.google.com/document/d/17P_ipxNG81wVpUVpg8Ow0BQv8l8o1rfFCJWQt5Vv1AI/edit?usp=sharing]] 01:16:49 David S: I’ve got to go. First task to send more money to the local Food Bank. Health and wholeness to all, David Stoney 01:16:51 Stanley Pokras: Thank you, Jea. 01:17:38 Shannon McArthur: tthank you David S 01:19:06 David S: Bye, bye… David 01:19:13 Tim Heide: Free Money in Europe depending on Idea Impact: https://rp-kassel.hessen.de/%C3%BCber-uns/europe-direct-informationszentrum/europe-direct-informationszentrum-nordosthessen 01:20:17 Kathryn Alexander, MA: Bye everyone! See you all tomorrow 01:20:39 Shannon McArthur: Julie!? 01:20:48 Jea: https://kartevonmorgen.org/# 01:20:56 Julie Wolf: yes Shannon hellow 01:22:41 Tim Heide: "Germany" still here? 01:22:44 Tim Heide: https://www.solidaritaetskorps.de/ 01:23:19 Bruce Schuman: Marsha --Can you send me a copy of your email to Jim? 01:24:47 KenHaldenstein: Thank you all! 01:24:59 franka strietzel: 👋 gotta go. 🌻 01:25:28 Tim Heide: we have 01:25:33 Tim Heide: click up 01:25:41 Tim Heide: asana