12:28:05 From Stanley Pokras : Yes, Kat. We're all feeling the pain. 12:28:24 From Shannon McArthur To Stanley Pokras(privately) : pls mute when typing ;) 12:28:56 From Shannon McArthur To Stanley Pokras(privately) : thank you Stan 12:32:48 From Kurt Krueger : The book on Tyranny: https://smile.amazon.com/Tyranny-Twenty-Lessons-Twentieth-Century/dp/0804190119/ref=sr_1_1?_encoding=UTF8&dchild=1&gclid=CjwKCAiA-f78BRBbEiwATKRRBI3Ny6D83WxDbX1F0_q-iLHn5Y46dBPRZ86MgsGXgi8lphZGXfwD7xoC7DYQAvD_BwE&hvadid=241616145543&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=9061102&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=980626596874213271&hvtargid=kwd-16219624938&hydadcr=22531_10353737&keywords=tyranny+book&qid=1604338318&sr=8-1&tag=googhydr-20 12:34:02 From Shannon McArthur To Stanley Pokras(privately) : Please mute… sorry your keyboard is in your machine… so is mine … do you hear mine? 12:34:28 From sallyannett : 1935 12:34:52 From Stanley Pokras : There is a pattern showing. Starting with the way the constitution was written. Moving through numerous supreme court decisions and the Powell manifesto. 12:36:12 From Leo Jacoby : (I apologize I was not muted at the start while doing Facetime with granddaughter.) Thanks Kurt for amazon reference. Here are Synder's 20 lessons in brief: https://scholars.org/contribution/twenty-lessons-fighting-tyranny-twentieth-century 12:36:33 From Stanley Pokras : CELDEF published a book that reveals the most important environmental and legal blockages to democracy and the rights of communities and nature by Ben G. Price "How Wealth Rules the World" It describes how the U.S. Supreme Court has been and still is a choir for the Theology of Property. 12:37:45 From Leo Jacoby : @Kurt My sister and next door neighbor are Trumpist, too. 12:39:41 From Kurt Krueger : Loving Your Enemies. Well worth the viewing, especially NOW. Whatever party, race, gender… Tim Shriver: In Conversation with Arthur Brooks, On Loving Your Enemies. https://youtu.be/HM3zK9LcQ2o 12:40:59 From Kurt Krueger : NVC. Non-violent communication 12:43:14 From Kurt Krueger : Never too late, maybe larger challenge… :) 12:46:40 From Kathryn Alexander, MA : Marcia - what was the date of this chat? 12:46:55 From Stanley Pokras : Thank's Kurt for keeping the light.. 12:47:24 From Leo Jacoby : https://www.aeinstein.org/nonviolentaction/198-methods-of-nonviolent-action/ Albert Einstein Institution 198 methods classified into three broad categories: nonviolent protest and persuasion, noncooperation (social, economic, and political), and nonviolent intervention. A description and historical examples of each can be found in volume two of The Politics of Nonviolent Action, by Gene Sharp. OR https://gandhiinstitute.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/198-Methods-Activity.pdf 12:51:32 From marciaraffstudio : Kathryn, I was talking about today’s HR 12:55:40 From Kathryn Alexander, MA : Thanks Marcia 12:57:21 From Leo Jacoby : AN ESSAY I AM WORKING ON: The global pandemic is a blessing in disguise. Not in the premature death of thousands who have succumbed to the ravishes of an untamed virus. Not in the dislocation of a million ways of social and economic life. Not in the physical distancing of friends and family. The great disruption is teaching us what it means to be a global people who are at once both vulnerable and resourceful. Shadowing our covid woes and an immediate and present danger for large populations are extreme weather conditions precipitating fire and flood, drought and migration. By clearing forests and burning fossil fuels we humans release more carbon dioxide than our oceans and plants can absorb. Currently, and ever increasing, 4.13 of 10,000 atmospheric parts is enough to severely lessen the emission of planetary heat into space. We have clogged our one, common atmosphere, contributing to climate change and an inexorable rise in land and sea temperatures. 12:57:23 From Leo Jacoby : Reflective and creative persons and groups have begun imagining life when the winds of the pandemic die down and a political will confronts climate reality. Our dual and interrelated crises have revealed and worsened serious shortcomings in the human endeavor. Can we do human activity differently to remedy tears and inequalities in our social and planetary fabric? Dire times call us to repair the world and to improve our lot. Humanity is rising to the challenge. One front line of heroes are nurses and doctors who risk their lives to save lives. Bio technicians relentlessly hunt for vaccine. Essential workers of all kinds carry on. We each have a part to play. 12:59:11 From Kurt Krueger : Leo, yes! 12:59:34 From Kat Haber : I must leave now to communicate with friends and family about electing a climate woke Senator Dr. Al Gross from Alaska to replace Senator Dan Sullivan who is woven in with military spending and a climate denier. I leave with my grief in my throat and still communicate with stubborn optimism a perhaps unreal option for a finer future. 13:00:12 From Shannon McArthur : Bye kat 13:00:15 From Leo Jacoby : I have to leave now, too to do some political phone banking today and tomorrow. Ciao. 13:00:45 From Shannon McArthur : Bye Leo, thank you for giving us the piece - i’ll read it later - I liked the last paragraph!! 13:06:25 From Kurt Krueger : CU Shannon, Love you 13:07:02 From Shannon McArthur : Bye Love! 13:07:23 From Shannon McArthur : Or are you staying? I’m here for the duration! 13:08:07 From Kurt Krueger : I thought you were going, sahnnon' 13:08:34 From Shannon McArthur : morning! Natalie! 13:08:48 From Natalie (she/her) : Top of the Morning Shannon and everyone 13:21:06 From Stanley Pokras : From Natalie Crue to Panelists and Attendees: (11:57 AM) I also think it is important to acknowledge how leftist groups are also engaging on problematic actions ie Democracy Now engaging in the erasure of third party candidates and silencing dissent on the left including erasing the role of ranked-choice voting from coverage and Lisa Savage's independent Green run from Maine's Senate race. 13:22:49 From Stanley Pokras : Natalie's messages were there at one point. Here's another from this morning's chat From Natalie Crue to Panelists and Attendees: (11:58 AM) Tons of non profits and organizations are getting pay checks from the Democratic National parties and special interest groups to silence dissent on the left and spreading disinformation about folks trying to mobilize around third parties as well as co opting social justice spaces 13:23:28 From Shannon McArthur : Thank you, Stan, for bringing Natalie’s comments in. 13:25:02 From marciaraffstudio : Sally, where do you live? 13:25:17 From Shannon McArthur : g’mornin’ Malini… good to see (?) you! 13:27:22 From Kathryn Alexander, MA : I think we should mention that to Jim 13:27:38 From Amy McKenzie : Agreed 13:29:01 From sallyannett : francemarcia 13:35:27 From marciaraffstudio : What exactly did she say? 13:38:05 From Kurt Krueger : Send me the links please. 13:40:13 From Daniel : specious facts 13:41:54 From Shannon McArthur : Mom just brought groceries - carry on without me please, and I’ll be back after all is put away. Thank for this lively conversation! 13:42:03 From Natalie (she/her) : Bye Shannon <3 13:42:39 From Doreen Tanenbaum : I need to also go and walk the dogs. 13:42:48 From marciaraffstudio : bye Shannon 13:42:57 From Kurt Krueger : I need to go in 5. :( 13:43:19 From Kurt Krueger : SuccessSystemsInternational@gmail.com 13:45:35 From Natalie (she/her) : Thats fine 13:45:53 From marciaraffstudio : I’d like to see the chats Natalie wrote that got her kickoff. 13:46:19 From Kathryn Alexander, MA : @Marcia look up i the chat - Stan put them in here. 13:46:39 From marciaraffstudio : Oh, yes, thnk you! 13:48:02 From Natalie (she/her) : Indoctrination 13:51:52 From Kathryn Alexander, MA : I have to leave. Let me know what you folks decide to do 13:52:10 From Shannon McArthur : thank you Kathryn, will do 13:52:32 From Natalie (she/her) : Have a beautiful day Kathryn 13:55:20 From MALINI Rajendran : https://youtu.be/Zk11vI-7czE