12:29:57 From Shannon McArthur : please mute when not sharing!! 12:31:08 From Stanley Pokras : Thank you for being here... please note that we are recording!!! 12:31:55 From esperide ananas ametista : Goodbye everyone — I have to go , but I just wants to say hi! 12:32:05 From esperide ananas ametista : Wanted 12:32:31 From Shannon McArthur : glad you could stop by - come back when you can!! 12:32:35 From Laura Madsen : Thanks everyone, also have to go! 12:32:59 From Kat Haber : How might we make the best use of the visits of geniuses? 12:33:38 From Kurt Krueger : ZEN walking, ZEN Being… present where ever. :) 12:34:45 From Stanley Pokras : If you are not already on our email list, please put your email address here in the Chat. We send a recap of the day to all the ChatPeople. 12:36:15 From Liliane Mavridara : Currently in Washington DC 12:37:51 From Daniel Rieders : I am Daniel from Palo Alto, California, USA, Earth of course 12:39:11 From Daniel Rieders : Energy follows attention, invitation for attention to follow intention 12:39:42 From Shannon McArthur : Please let your attention focus on the buffalo and the friends you work with, here in the beauty She has given us all... 12:39:45 From Daniel Rieders : and matter follow energy 12:43:50 From Shannon McArthur : STAN, please mute 12:43:52 From Daniel Rieders : maybe we can open the conversation 12:46:24 From Liliane Mavridara : Everyone please mute~ 12:47:35 From Kurt Krueger : David, Is the book on Audible? 12:47:40 From Leo Jacoby : It's like jazz 12:47:44 From Kat Haber : David, where might we take this in this moment? 12:47:45 From Daniel Rieders : You are welcome David 12:47:49 From Liliane Mavridara : This group is very active on the chat. 12:49:32 From Leo Jacoby : Many thanks to Stan who initiated this after chat. @Stan 11:19 "Wisdom? Isn't it wise to accept the universe as it is and reacting with as much love as possible" What I like about your thought is combining contemplation and action. Wisdom is not merely a speculative art; also re-active / pro-active.(individual / collective?) 12:49:47 From Kat Haber : Green room for speakers also for TED Talks. Intimate, nerve calming, and preparatory. 12:50:01 From maureenedwardson3@gmail.com : David I would like to hear more of your experience in Damanhur....are you a satellite of that community? 12:50:26 From Kat Haber : Love that charged hangout! 12:50:59 From doreentanenbaum : Let’s call the group the Playground! 12:51:23 From Diane Skidmore : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChev-HgtFsn3PO9fz93BclA The Green Room with David Pearl 12:51:30 From Kathryn Alexander, MA : The Chat Playground 12:51:42 From Kat Haber : Forgive me, researching the Green Room: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChev-HgtFsn3PO9fz93BclA 12:51:42 From Diane Skidmore : Love that name @Doreen 12:51:48 From Shannon McArthur : ;) 12:52:41 From Stanley Pokras : We're trying to collect references to the community building spaces and processes around the world. Please visit OtherNetworks.org and use the link to add pages. 12:52:55 From Kat Haber : Damanhur: http://www.damanhur.org/ 12:53:16 From Kurt Krueger : Kat, Thanks. 12:54:59 From Kat Haber : When we marched across the USA from LA to DC the toughest part was community. 12:55:20 From Mushin : David in regards to “Global Street WEs(i)dom Continuum” an interesting multidisciplinary multi-year research project of 20 possible breakouts. SSIR Breakout Innovations August 2017 Standing Rock Movement 18.8 > 20 based on appreciating Grey Eagle WEs(i)dom ~ Water IS Life. https://ssir.org/articles/entry/creating_breakout_innovation Makasitomni UK partner is Andrew James Campbell, artist Oxford. Do you know Andrew? 12:55:33 From Shannon McArthur To Stanley Pokras(privately) : Good morning, Stan! Your keystrokes and wheel turning is audible - 12:55:38 From Stanley Pokras : @Leo - Thank you for your comments 12:55:53 From Shannon McArthur To Stanley Pokras(privately) : thank you! 12:56:16 From Kurt Krueger : I get to leave . Thanks for BEING here and sharing all the Love. Keep playing with the Consciousness. Love to talk with anyone on our chat: 1-818-399-0771 12:56:21 From Shannon McArthur : we are learning how to hear Her 12:56:36 From Stanley Pokras To Shannon McArthur(privately) : Yes, my microphone is inside my laptop. 12:56:38 From Diane Skidmore : @Lesley - we'd better be capable xxx 12:56:51 From Shannon McArthur To Stanley Pokras(privately) : when you mute it works 12:57:00 From Leo Jacoby : good day Kurt 12:57:21 From Daniel Rieders : darkness is a western shadow 12:57:41 From Shannon McArthur To Stanley Pokras(privately) : darkness is where germination and growth begin 12:57:54 From Shannon McArthur To Stanley Pokras(privately) : oops!! meant that for everyone! 12:58:06 From Diane Skidmore : I think learning to love helps. - Proper love - conscious consideration to planet and people 12:58:07 From Daniel Rieders : please vote 12:58:13 From Mushin : I’ll give you a call Kurt. 12:58:13 From Stanley Pokras To Shannon McArthur(privately) : Start writing to everyone.... (Ha!) 12:58:25 From Shannon McArthur To Stanley Pokras(privately) : yes SIR! 12:58:38 From Daniel Rieders : lets move from normal to thealthy 12:58:48 From Daniel Rieders : healthy 12:58:54 From Larry Cashion : Thank you all so much. LOVE! 12:59:03 From Larry Cashion : Gotta go Bless 12:59:09 From Diane Skidmore : @Daniel - yes - healthy 12:59:14 From Shannon McArthur : bye Larrry 13:00:08 From Daniel Rieders : I get my news from HR, here we are shapeshifting into becoming 13:00:59 From Daniel Rieders : HR is not social 13:01:13 From Daniel Rieders : we are powerful 13:01:32 From David Pearl : Swimming with the big fish. :-) 13:02:23 From Kat Haber : David: how might we Xtend your efforts? 13:02:34 From maureenedwardson3@gmail.com : WE are The News of the Future! 13:03:16 From Liliane Mavridara : We are an island of coherence eventually merging with the mainland. 13:03:33 From Kathryn Alexander, MA : @Liliane - yes 13:03:36 From Shannon McArthur : Liliane, they will merge with us!! 13:03:39 From maureenedwardson3@gmail.com : Liliane YES 13:03:41 From Diane Skidmore : Move from 'normal' into HEALTHY!! - For the planet 13:03:53 From Daniel Rieders : on what we are invited into becoming 13:05:06 From maureenedwardson3@gmail.com : ArRAY 13:05:46 From Daniel Rieders : neo shamanism 13:06:14 From Daniel Rieders : David you have a fantastic voice for audible 13:06:25 From Liliane Mavridara : That would be great David. 13:06:38 From Kathryn Alexander, MA : David - I can see using your walking to help neighborhoods better see and understand their community 13:06:47 From maureenedwardson3@gmail.com : My daughter does sound effects for stories and prose and poetry 13:06:48 From Kat Haber : Ensemble: collectively arraying together…keep the filaments open, How would mini adducible bits be shared effectively? https://unbound.com/books/wanderful/ Wandering with you. Sidewalk oracle by Robert Grass(?) 13:06:59 From Stanley Pokras : David:Write to the ChatPeople@communitymagic.org 13:07:15 From Diane Skidmore : Sidewalk Oracles: Playing with Signs, Symbols, and Synchronicity in Everyday Life 13:07:21 From Leo Jacoby : https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/24796547 13:07:51 From Kathryn Alexander, MA : @Kat - thank you! 13:07:57 From Kat Haber : Warming up (to listening?)GIFS, drops, free, spreading worthy ideas? 13:08:45 From Daniel Rieders : great voice 13:08:49 From Stanley Pokras : David - write to ChatAction@communitymagic.org 13:09:14 From Shannon McArthur : I do walks in Nature and I’ve made some recordings that include MOM, Magic in Ordinary Moments… It’s a playlist and I hope you enjoy it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wqEk8sIPgz4&list=PLRC4GyCAEEZrfiof_grYAgx2CHGiRkXNb 13:10:26 From Kathryn Alexander, MA : Sound in the time of noise! 13:10:34 From Daniel Rieders : intimacy - into me see 13:11:10 From Daniel Rieders : follow the juice 13:11:13 From Daniel Rieders : be curoius 13:11:16 From Daniel Rieders : what is alive 13:11:23 From Kat Haber : Notice the hurt…hurt people hurt people. 13:11:29 From Diane Skidmore : Be part of it!! 13:11:41 From Kat Haber : Finding the tenderness in the wound…agony, sorrow 13:11:46 From Leo Jacoby : John Cage 4'33" 13:12:11 From Leo Jacoby : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTEFKFiXSx4 13:12:33 From Liliane Mavridara : please mute if you are not speaking. 13:14:07 From Liliane Mavridara : This is a treat! 13:14:22 From Leo Jacoby : @Lesley you are a marvelous emcee 13:14:26 From Kat Haber : Short, fat, Italian singing on the wrong end of the day… 13:14:33 From Shannon McArthur : SUCH a treat!! 13:15:09 From doreentanenbaum : I have goosebumps from afar 13:16:27 From Leo Jacoby : And David is returning to HR next week? Art! 13:16:30 From Kat Haber : BRAVO!!!!!! 13:17:01 From Kathryn Alexander, MA : It touches our real self 13:17:54 From Kathryn Alexander, MA : That was what healed me of stage 3 b liver cancer - music/sound 13:18:10 From Kathryn Alexander, MA : Italy - yes! 13:18:55 From Leo Jacoby : @Daniel Enjoyed seeing your body energy / expression while David was playing and singing. 13:19:53 From Daniel Rieders : thanks for giving us the invitation to connect 13:20:09 From David Pearl : david.pearl@pearlgroup.net 13:20:11 From Kat Haber : Every Sunday since the lockdown, I’ve been singing with TEDxorganizers to bring depth to my breathing in COVID Recovery. Breathing… 13:20:26 From Mushin : WOW made my day thank you David Live Singing & Dancing is why I love the Lakota life ways. We humans are artists and thank you for sharing your embodied living presence beautiful. Thank you 13:20:28 From Kat Haber : Whoo knew? 13:21:25 From Kat Haber : Elder Karaoke? 13:22:05 From Mushin : Lesley you rock ~ see you later. 13:22:08 From Daniel Rieders : @leo thanks 13:22:11 From Jill Houchin : warm wishes to everyone. first time in after chat. thank you so much. jill in Edinburgh 13:22:15 From Kat Haber : Grey Eagle Karoke sing on with our guests visiting from Humanity rising? 13:22:34 From Liliane Mavridara : Buy Jill 13:23:12 From Diane Skidmore : wow!! Bye Jill in Edinburgh xxx 13:23:13 From Kathryn Alexander, MA : @Jill thanks for coming! 13:23:29 From Diane Skidmore : Glad you came xxx 13:23:38 From Shannon McArthur : bye Jill, thx for coming come back! 13:23:44 From Liliane Mavridara : ok, guys, I am off. Will not see you tomorrow, will be back on Monday. 13:24:12 From Diane Skidmore : Bye Liliane xxx 13:24:16 From Carole Morales : Thank you Enjoyed listening. Learned a lot. 13:26:07 From Daniel Rieders : agree, let us close the loop 13:26:55 From Kathryn Alexander, MA : Feedback ASAP pelase 13:27:16 From MSTi Virtual Office : Stanley I wanted David’s Email can you send to me. 13:27:26 From Daniel Rieders : no worries, nothing to be sorry about 13:27:37 From MSTi Virtual Office : mushinmw@gmail.com 13:28:49 From Kathryn Alexander, MA : @Mushin - david.pearl@pearlgroup.net 13:29:53 From Stanley Pokras : I've sent muslin an email with David's email. 13:30:19 From doreentanenbaum : Raining Gifts 13:30:49 From Kat Haber : Perhaps this is what we might further be…invite the undiscovered treasures of guests from Humanity Rising? 13:32:49 From Diane Skidmore : Gotta go. Love you all xxx 13:33:38 From Daniel Rieders : we need to open our guests like the magic today 13:36:10 From doreentanenbaum : Thank you everyone….lovely visit….have to go! 13:36:42 From Kathryn Alexander, MA : I’m leaving too - bye