00:12:38 Linda White: I am multi-tasking as part of a work day so will keep video off. I listening mode. 00:14:41 Linda White: That would be wonderful! 00:15:10 Hyacinth Oesterlin: Fine Linda, glad you´re with us. 00:15:31 Aida Merriweather: That interests me 00:15:40 Linda White: Thank you Hyacinth. Happy to be here. 00:16:27 Aida Merriweather: I have to leave when the plumber comes 00:18:32 Shannon McArthur: Knowledge Network, here in BC, is broadcasting, but not in real time. 00:19:19 Linda White: Absolute beautiful and inspiring 00:19:35 Stanley Pokras: Thanks for getting started… I had to take care of a persoal issue. 00:26:25 Hyacinth Oesterlin: Jim, that sounds like chaos before it settles down! 00:29:46 Linda White: Wonderng if DAnny Sheehan and Mark Sims are part of this initiative as Mark designed the Making contact Campus which is somewhat similar. 00:31:34 Shannon McArthur: I have a problem—some of it SHOULD be FREE 00:32:03 diana winterhoff: I agree, Shannon 00:32:27 Linda White: Very very innovative and exciting. 00:32:31 judith: Love you to pieces, Jim and Stan and Leo and everyone—so grateful to you all — specially you men who have stuck your empathic necks out — but what to do about the patriarchy —its very natural historic biological dominance— which has betrayed and forsaken men as well as women and children — what can we do to help us all understand this ‘macho’ dominance that is running amok now amongst White (I am one) men mostly who are understandably terrified of losing their identity and increasingly holding this country —and this planet, to ransom…we all need to understand this dominance via who created language and laws and religion….this is surely a context which needs to be acknowledged…can this broad context — similar to Iain McGilchrists DIvided Brain perspective — once better understood can take away blame and judgement and yes come more from the heart of who we all are 00:32:56 Candy Leonard: Might be better off talking to Turner's ex-wife Jane Fonda 00:33:19 Charry Stover: I agree, some portion should be free. This makes sense to me both from a marketing standpoint and in terms of providing a service. 00:33:30 Linda White: Jane Fonda is very engaged actively to this day. 00:34:08 Linda White: Humanity Rising to date is free and available onlne 00:34:37 diana winterhoff: Judith, that's the path I would like to go down, too 00:36:09 Erik: This looks truly visionary, with a bit of meditation I would no doubt like to send in some feedback, is anyone collating feedback for this next great step for humanity? 00:36:50 Zoom user: FAST. Free Ad Supported Streaming TV——-new term. 00:37:09 judith: Thank you Diana….particularly the men involved in this are the best example of what the world needs now — and HR does it innately but how to take it beyond this demographic, into politics etc… 00:37:35 Shannon McArthur: Zoom user - interesting! Though I'm not a fan of ads, perhaps subscribe to avoid ads… 00:38:34 judith: Shannon…you’ve been such a force too..💕! 00:39:14 Shannon McArthur: Stan, your idea of Responsive Politics is important too!! Part of the dream! 00:39:30 Shannon McArthur: Thank you, Judith! 00:40:57 Candy Leonard: Sunnstein? 00:40:59 Candy Leonard: Pinker" 00:41:26 Candy Leonard: It's mind numbing 00:42:30 Zoom user: Well said Diana 00:42:59 Candy Leonard: It’s capitalism 00:47:14 judith: Yes, excessive choice…in supermarkets as one example of …at least for now, until the Colorado dries up and adds to the Ukrainian situation with wheat…the floods and fires inevitably impacting so much of what we take for granted with food…how long will we remain knowingly complicit — it is not easy own our part in all this especially as we indulge in the time and luxury of HR and this amazing expansion and extension of what Jim has epitomized, for so many decades 00:48:35 Prashant Amara: https://joelightfoot.substack.com/p/the-liminal-web-mapping-an-emergent 00:50:24 judith: Evermore thanks to you all…meantime let us hope that we tackle our own human nature as being the destructive as well as extraordinary creative force — how do we tackle our ongoing programming and thus participation in our own ‘ecocide’? 00:53:29 Candy Leonard: “de-tox from US culture” - Yep 00:54:11 judith: Linda defining the patriarchal context we’re in... 00:58:29 Candy Leonard: It's not that hard! 00:58:57 judith: How you have done any of it, is amazing, Jim —-AND ..you and most of the men you include have strong feminine relatedness and energy…on balance for me, HR has been pretty dang balanced! 01:00:12 Linda White: Important to highlight feminine principle rather than male and female as we all have both that need to be devloped and married. 01:01:35 judith: Yes, and so many men are threatened by their own feminine principle and need recognition to be able to safely own that strength and vulnerability 01:03:35 judith: How to bring in the amazing good that it within us, instead of the worst of us, getting to the top 01:03:43 Linda White: Many people are working so hard to make ends meet that they numb themselves at night with TV. HOw do we reach those who are working and raising families who have so little time. Could it be offered or available on Prime Time. How to bring it to th eattention of the masses who only have evenng hours at best. 01:04:10 Kathryn Alexander, MA: Yes, Judith 01:04:44 judith: Yes,Linda — XR/Extinction Rebellion is one community building way to express and try to communicate 01:05:03 judith: Stay safe and well, Jim — we love you 01:05:19 Linda White: with you in spirit. LIfe is timeless 01:08:01 Candy Leonard: Great concept - endangered knowledge 01:08:41 Linda White: collaboration is so needed in these times 01:08:58 Linda White: Transcending the fierce individualism of US culture. 01:09:09 Shannon McArthur: coherence!! 01:10:11 judith: Seriously…Extinction Rebellion is one way to educate and to join voices and actions based on the unifier of our destruction of our life source! 01:11:11 Hyacinth Oesterlin: Must go now, will link up later, IF you are still chatting. Otherwise, see you next week! Blessings and LOV 01:12:00 Hyacinth Oesterlin: LOVE 01:13:01 judith: If only we could change the political system and transfer money that goes into the political system, into education and understanding — and yes XR is a great unifier for young people who are so stressed and anxious because of what we are leaving them….and thank you for reading any of my comments! 01:14:09 Jeannette Barcelos Kravitz CanUDIGit.Earth: I work with 2 mil youth climate activists in 125 countries and we are creating youth driven content for “shows” currently under development. My email: jkravitz@peacejourney.com 01:15:58 Linda White: beautiful initiative. organizing around what we value. 01:16:20 Linda White: count me in! totally interested. 01:17:05 Candy Leonard: 40% 01:17:13 judith: You’re right, Eric 01:19:52 Jeannette Barcelos Kravitz CanUDIGit.Earth: Have to run. Thanks to everyone. 01:22:40 judith: We are the market, we drive it…and Biden just had to reduce the price of gas for political reasons!!!! We should be directed to do the very opposite! 01:23:53 judith: And how to get beyond those of us with gray hair! 01:24:46 Candy Leonard: Are there plans for a Humanity Rising podcast? 01:27:31 judith: Thank you all for keeping HR going…I cannot contribute much but will certainly chip in again 01:27:38 David Stoney: Thanks Judith for your down-to-earth comments. I wonder if spending more time in front of my computer doesn’t bias me toward a left hemisphere biased, patriarchally conditioned mode of being and behaving? What's needed is a reboot of our primal, radically participatory way of feeling and knowing and I’m not sure we can get there via our computers… 01:29:35 Leo Jacoby: RSVP here for the Mystics Summit — at no charge: https://mysticssummit.com/ The Mystics Summit is a 5-day event taking place August 15-19 online and on the phone. The Mystics Summit is a LIVE event. Following the broadcast of each session, you’ll be able to watch or listen to the replay for 48 hours. Premium subscription for lifetime access also available. https://mysticssummit.com/program (Find here a description of each presentation) Welcome Message From Your Summit Hosts, Mike Morrell, Carmen Acevedo Butcher, PhD https://mysticssummit.com/program/49768 01:30:37 Charlie Bensinger: Investigators say there’s $40 to 45 trillion dollars in off-shore, off balance sheet money hidden around the world. 01:31:37 judith: Yes David…! Yes, left hemisphere on line and yet it is very much about context and interconnectedness and for us to then go wash our dishes (by hand) and slice cabbage for coleslaw! 01:33:04 Ginger Schaefer: Yes Erik please include.. freedging@gmail.com as Yeshua taught operate in the principalities/frequencies/spirit.. As well he came to take out the money from the system and unite go this way or that. Loving, caring, for each other, creation, earth, atmosphere, galaxies, multiverses, UNICosmos. Much to sift and sort. Lars Muhl has a distance healing process as our Yeshua healed the Centurion son. They have wonderful homes from bamboo other organic materials . Just do it anyway...start your Community/Tribe/Clan/Family howsoever. First one must identify yourself.. Who am I? A child of light? Being guided by the Holy Spirit not man? Knowing NOW FAITH IS ALL POSSIBLE? Personally am gathering the children here utilizing the TreeWhiperer and hopefully the Ancient Wisdom Metal Books from the Tayos Cave. Thanks to all. In Loving Kindness Next time... 01:35:32 Michelle M: Hi Erik here is my email address , I meditate daily twice once at dawn and once at dusk in Tonglen a breathing practice breathing in all the suffering and extreme difficulties like war etc then i transmute it into goodness and everything in loving kindness towards the hearts of all 01:36:11 Michelle M: Michelle Massi Gaiaom18@gmail.com 01:36:31 judith: Sadly have to leave but thank you all so much……if only caring was quantifiable..perhaos it would count politically! 01:36:34 Shannon McArthur: Good to see your willingness, Michelle!! 01:36:44 Shannon McArthur: Thanks, Judith, for coming - this has been fun! 01:36:49 David Stoney: Thanks everyone. I must leave to get some lunch before joining a session with Iian McGilchrist (subscription required) that starts at 1 PM. 01:37:17 Shannon McArthur: Bye David!! 01:37:19 Shannon McArthur: Love you! 01:37:59 Erik: Have to go folks, I'll be in touch with those who have reached out tomorrow! Much love,Erik 01:38:20 Linda White: Sure. https://www.wfae.org/science-technology/2022-08-03/the-u-s-made-a-breakthrough-battery-discovery-then-gave-the-technology-to-china?fbclid=IwAR10JOtq9LvfcINH202oy7jTMi3hOK0njN7UWiE3on_1AQrvBIHYDyF0Re4 01:38:59 Shannon McArthur: Linda, does it have anything to do with hemp being used to replace lithium batteries? 01:39:17 Prashant Amara: yes, he did that for Inner Development Goals so well 01:39:30 Charlie Bensinger: To Linda: At least 5,000 patents are “sequestered” by the US Patent Office. How many of those patents are advanced/free energy type patents? 01:40:16 Linda White: Here is the link to Alex Jones Defamation trials: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=430020999155398&set=a.231698385654328 01:40:41 Linda White: Here is a paragraph from Seattle/China link: “They were building a battery — a vanadium redox flow battery — based on a design created by two dozen U.S. scientists at a government lab. The batteries were about the size of a refrigerator, held enough energy to power a house, and could be used for decades. The engineers pictured people plunking them down next to their air conditioners, attaching solar panels to them, and everyone living happily ever after off the grid.” 01:41:25 Linda White: Need to depart. Wonderful being with you today. 01:50:53 Leo Jacoby: On theme of silence find ebooks by Sara Maitland https://usa1lib.org/s/Sara%20Maitland (I missed most of Jim's sharing while on a phone call talking about Sara's A Book of Silence.) 01:54:44 Candy Leonard: Gotta go - see you thursday. If anyone wants to get in touch my email is CandyLeonard@gmail.com. Put HUmainty Rising afterchat in subject 01:54:45 Prashant Amara: Having to join back family stream. Truly wonderful indeed being here. Have a great weekend all!! 🙏❤️ 01:54:46 Charry Stover: Must run folks.