00:21:58 Diane Skidmore: Yes. I realise xxx gonna leave and return xxx 00:26:40 Diane Skidmore: Checked system - everything else is working but at the moment - can't even hear your voices so - gonna accept that maybe I'm not supposed to play!! Will keep working on the system as a whole and maybe join in later (and aim to not be disruptive if you're in the middle of special stuff! xxx 00:34:55 Judy Newland: Stanley: newland.judy@gmail.com 00:36:20 Stanley Pokras: Thank you, Judy. 00:38:01 Leo Jacoby: See details about virtual attendance on our website: https://www.luc.edu/ccih/ (not posted yet) 00:38:24 Leo Jacoby: Unguarded, a documentary film that tells the story of successful restorative justice work in Brazil and America through the experience of Association for the Protection and Assistance of the Convicted (APAC). https://www.unguardedmovie.com/ includes 2:42 trailer (in Spanish with English subtitles) October 7, 2021, 7:00-8:45 PM CDT free viewing open to the public. (time also listed as beginning at 6:00pm) 00:39:27 Leo Jacoby: See details about virtual attendance on our website: https://www.luc.edu/ccih/ (not posted yet) Viewing will be followed by a post-film discussion with filmmakers Simonetta D'Italia-Wiener and T.J. Berden, and Spcial Guests from APAC. 00:43:52 Shannon McArthur: Thank you so much Leo, interesting… 00:45:57 Chiara Hayganush Megighian: Si sorry I missed the drumming circle ⭕️ 00:48:04 Shannon McArthur: Next Global Drum Gathering is on 9/9… then 10/10 and then 11/11 - at 11:11 in your timezone. There’s lots happening everywhere all the time… our hearts beat together!! (So do our drums!) 01:06:05 Savanah: What is the url for your network, Stan? 01:06:34 Stanley Pokras: Http://othernetworks.org 01:06:43 Savanah: thank you 01:09:00 Charlie Bensinger: Stanley: How about creating a visual map that would show WHERE these folks or groups are so people can connect with people in their area? 01:11:07 Savanah: Stories are essential to our ability to learn and change 01:12:48 Stanley Pokras: Yes, Charlie. I’d need people with certain skills to accomplish that. OtherNetworks has an extension that can help called Semantic Media Wiki. 01:14:18 Stanley Pokras: https://www.semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/Semantic_MediaWiki 01:15:19 Ian Lewis: 1. Realistic Orientation - perceiving reality accurately. 2. Acceptance - of self, others and the World 3. Spontaneity - exhibiting a zest and keenness for living 4. Always idea and opportunity centred 5. Detachment - a sense of autonomy 6. Appreciation - “fresh and wholesome awareness, not rigid” 7. Spiritual awareness - “Identifies with human kind and nature as one” 8. Relationships – with teams, communities, society, humanity & nature 9. Clarity - of actions and purpose 10. Thinking - creative, original and divergent with a natural sense of curiosity 11. Cultural Independence - a resistance to blind conformity 12. Self development – they keep on learning 01:15:24 Ian Lewis: https://www.google.com/search?q=hierarchy+of+values+ian+lewis&client=firefox-b-d&sxsrf=ALeKk02dtYGQ4ztLn0ef3W7cU8id_3e93Q:1628697463599&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=W_1yiR5x09Tl0M%252CXBsJFB5gIO5qgM%252C_&vet=1&usg=AI4_-kTfskC3gwVubzI8bOsvYogE7g033g&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi8no7uqqnyAhVBgVwKHTkbBhgQ9QF6BAgYEAE#imgrc=W_1yiR5x09Tl0M 01:20:18 Savanah: Inspiring Shannon <3 01:30:01 Stanley Pokras: I call Ian’s “Foundations” Hooks. I believe that once someone has an idea. That idea can be a hook on which to hang other ideas. So, I believe that one learns by adding new material on the hooks. 01:37:21 Kurt Krueger, SuccessSystemsInternational.net: Ian, Is this the Values you spoke about? Start early ~ PARENTING is awesomely effective. Read and apply: Nurturing with Love and Wisdom, Disciplining with Peace and Respect: Mindful Parenting, by Diane Tillman. Have the Living Values practices taught is schools… For inspiration listen to this: https://youtu.be/nBCJhNiKhFE The Living Values Education Program: The first two Values instructed are Love and Peace. All the other Values are generated from these. Developing quality Character traits is vitally important for all levels of society. When will WE emphasize this? There is one program, http://LivingValues.net that has over 90% reduction in violence in a Thai Refugee Camp within 2 years! The woman who developed it then went to Johannesburg, RSA and designed a program for street people - similar results! 01:37:24 Ian Lewis: That is a good model, Stan - very necessary to have hooks. 01:40:13 Ian Lewis: Yes, Kurt - the RSA & Living Values are places I play. They are very special. 01:42:56 Nancy: A recommendation for Stan: How about organizing all your internet information in a cross-reference (like the old library ‘Dewey Decimal System’) and have 6 Categories: 1-Name by First Name, 2-Website: General Name, 3-Website: Specific name, 4-Key Words and 5-Location (Country, State, etc). Example: 1-Jim Garrison, 2-Humanity Rising, 3- www.humanrising-solutions 4-Humanity, Peace, Raising Consciousness, Harmony, Live Speakers, 5-CA, 6-? 01:43:31 Nancy: Like in a spreadsheet. 01:45:43 Kurt Krueger, SuccessSystemsInternational.net: On this Special Day, we would LOVE YOUR PARTICIPATION on this quest…The VISION for the Peace LAB is “Peace In Everything, Everything With Peace.” When you have any ideas that could bring peace in any manner, anywhere, anytime, please apply it and then share it ~ with us too… Peace LAB: https://OtherNetworks.org/peace_lab When we take some responsibility for being the Peace where we are, we are then models for others to follow ~ the ripples begin with us! Here’s an 15 minute video on a PeaceMaker Meditation. https://youtu.be/vv1VxDv80wo Peace In Everything, Everything With Peace. will reverberate throughout your day… making it the focus and bringing more peace to you and ‘others.’  Groups are forming together or through teleconference to bring more Peace to our home planet. Together we fly more easily ~ like the two wings of a bird… :) The Peace LAB practices/programs dramatically reduces violence, recidivism,  and wars… We get what we focus upon. Let's share our ideas and expertise. 01:46:19 Charlie Bensinger: A “GlobeNet” TV channel to spread the vision of a positive, empowering future! Yea! 01:48:27 Kurt Krueger, SuccessSystemsInternational.net: Trauma discussed on HR PeaceLab production: The Intersection of Trauma, Compassion and Value Economics, https:/youtu.be/_gx9ei2QrUM 01:49:57 Charlie Bensinger: How about a “Helpfulness” streaming TV show? 01:52:52 Leo Jacoby: A local example in my town of connecting people; https://www.uwsp.edu/conted/Pages/LIFE.aspx = Learning Is ForEver (LIFE) (echoes the name of Ian's https://www.lifecollege.org/) 01:53:54 Chiara Hayganush Megighian: Joy, this is a great plan……Trauma and numbness as a result of it……how to develop compassion 01:54:12 Ian Lewis: The UK Compensation Act 2006 makes clear that an apology is not equivalent to an admission of liability. The law does not stand in the way, as many think, of ordinary expressions of regret. 01:55:01 Chiara Hayganush Megighian: Yes, please and thank you……the magic words for healing 01:57:05 David Stoney: Chip Williams on HR Day 195 on The Intersection of Trauma, Compassion and Value Economics gave us a nice mantra: I’m sorry Please forgive me Thank you I love you 01:57:39 Shannon McArthur: Yes, David, that’s the Hawaiian Ho’oponopono 01:57:46 Shannon McArthur: It’s very powerful 01:58:03 Kurt Krueger, SuccessSystemsInternational.net: Happy - Pharrell Williams (vegan animalherokids.org), https://bit.ly/happyveganworld 01:58:27 Charlie Bensinger: How do we work with people who are afraid of embracing “joy”? 01:58:29 Chiara Hayganush Megighian: I am so joyful to be with you 01:58:34 Kurt Krueger, SuccessSystemsInternational.net: Humanity Rises when we always share ways to be happier. We all deserve to be happier. That's how life should always be! When we are happier, we are more successful, healthier, and less troublesome = more peace in our world. Feel free to share this with friends and others.  See Shaun Achor's Happiness Advantage, a 12 minute TED.com talk. You probably already do a few of the practices - just add the others. I designed an elective course at Van Nuys Middle School which students were still doing the Homework assignment, a few years later!  The initial assignment is: Laugh for at least 30 seconds straight each day... See how that feels. Tightens the abs for a flatter rather than fatter tummy. Let me know what you think about it all. 01:59:00 Leo Jacoby: Some compassion links (as complement to joy) ... https://www.mindbodygreen.com/0-23406/10-easy-ways-to-cultivate-compassion.html https://greatergood.berkeley.edu/article/item/six_habits_of_highly_compassionate_people https://www.independence.edu/blog/ways-of-showing-compassion https://zenhabits.net/a-guide-to-cultivating-compassion-in-your-life-with-7-practices/ https://www.scienceofpeople.com/how-be-compassionate/ https://positivepsychology.com/compassion-training/ https://positivepsychology.com/self-compassion-5-steps/ 02:00:34 Kurt Krueger, SuccessSystemsInternational.net: Take 8 minutes of your life to experience a powerful expression on LOVE. http://www.filmsforaction.org/watch/human One learned from a parent and the other from the most unexpected source you’d probably ever image could teach it. View the first 10 minutes and get back to if the last statement is incorrect. Forgiving the Unforgivable is also the first of The Four Sacred Gifts, a great book by an indigenous elder, Anita Sanchez. 02:01:27 Judy Newland: thanks everyone, Judy 02:07:10 Shannon McArthur: I need to take a break. 02:07:47 Shannon McArthur: I’ll be back. 02:08:38 David Stoney: Forgiveness could heal the world. I always remember what Jesus said about forgiveness: 'I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times. ' " 02:09:44 Leo Jacoby: On meeting people: https://www.esl-lab.com/easy/introductions/ 02:12:05 Chiara Hayganush Megighian: Nancy, we love you 02:12:13 Leo Jacoby: https://www.mindmeister.com/blog/effective-meetings-mind-maps/ 02:12:20 Chiara Hayganush Megighian: Please breathe