02:27:18 Leo Jacoby: https://unitecloud.org/meet-diverse-people/ 02:27:26 Nancy: MAY YOU ALL BE ‘BLESSED’ WITH MORE AND MORE TRAUMA, STRESS, ETC … UNTIL YOU CHOOSE… TO RAISE YOUR CONSCIOUSNESS ..AND… CHOOSE TO ‘MAKE A QUANTUM FLIP’ AND SPEAK, THINK AND WRITE A ‘POSITIVE FEMININE HEART WORDS’ INSTEAD OF THE ‘NEGATIVE MASCULINE HEAD WORDS.’ KEEP EXPERIENCES AND WORDS ‘NEUTRAL’. Being 100% TOTALLY TRAUMATIZED IS EXACTLY THE SAME AS being 100% TOTALLY NOT RESPECTED, NOT LOVED, NOT APPRECIATED, ETC. 02:27:44 Kurt Krueger, SuccessSystemsInternational.net: Thank you all for the love expressed. CU you soon. Love you. 02:28:23 Shannon McArthur: “the boundaries around practical and possible, and you and I, can be breached by words and stories” 02:30:01 Leo Jacoby: https://personalexcellence.co/blog/new-friends/ 02:31:35 Chiara Hayganush Megighian: Chiara ayainstitute@gmail.com 02:32:04 Shannon McArthur: That’s not a conversation, Nancy. 02:32:31 Leo Jacoby: https://insight.kellogg.northwestern.edu/article/too-much-cross-talk-too-little-creativity-how-to-fix-worst-parts-virtual-meeting 02:32:36 Kathryn Alexander, MA: Hi Donaldson! 02:33:23 MEPI Kenya: Hi Kathryn and evryone. Nice seeing all of you here. I am in the hinterland on Africa. 02:33:34 Leo Jacoby: https://gla.americansforprosperityfoundation.org/meeting-people-productively-talk-politics/ 02:34:51 Leo Jacoby: https://www.aacle.org/keeping-crosstalk-bay/ https://thelistacagroup.wordpress.com/2010/04/11/what-is-crosstalk/ 02:34:55 Ian Lewis: I'm sorry - but this is badly failing in purpose. We have to get to a higher place. Ixx 02:35:29 Leo Jacoby: https://adultchildren.org/wp-content/uploads/Literature/Guidelines_for_New_Meetings_EN-US_LTR.pdf 02:35:55 Leo Jacoby: https://www.celebraterecovery.com/resources/cr-tools/guidelines 02:35:59 Kathryn Alexander, MA: WOW. Nancy is scared and covering that with anger. That makes it hard for her to learn and change. 02:36:05 Shannon McArthur: I’m sorry too. Thank you, Joy, for meeting this full on. Triggers are being pulled in me too. I have another meeting that I must attend. 02:36:14 Nancy: JOY, ARE YOU WILING TO RE-FRAME ‘TRAUMA’ INTO ‘DIS-RESPECTED EXPERIENCES’? OR ARE YOU TOO DUMB, STUPID AND IGNORANT TO LEARN NEW PARADIGM IDEAS? 02:36:36 Leo Jacoby: https://www.socalaca.org/documentation/topic-readings/no-crosstalk-guidelines/ 02:37:34 Leo Jacoby: https://discoveryplace.info/10-etiquette-tips-12-step-meetings/ 02:37:37 Shannon McArthur: No, Nancy. The rest of the world have understandings of words. Changing the entire English language just to make you comfortable will not make you comfortable. 02:38:09 Shannon McArthur: Just my opinion, and I have to go. I leave this in more knowledgeable hands. Bless you all. 02:38:32 Nancy: STAN, THANK YOU FOR YOUR KIND WORDS AND USING WORDS TO SUPPRESS PEOPLE’S EXPRESSION. NICE UPBRINGING. GREAT LOUD MOUTHED PARENTS YOU HAD SINCE YOU OBVIOUSLY ‘LEARNED IT.’ 02:39:33 Leo Jacoby: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/53714efae4b0db8de8cdfaf8/t/564e2de4e4b0db900e8fb688/1447964132612/S-303-13-02-26+Guidelines+for+Healthy+Meetings.pdf 02:40:50 Nancy: ORIGINAL SAINTLINESS AND SOMETIMES WE’RE NOT.. IF PEOPLE USED THEIR BRAIN AND ‘THOUGHT DEEPER.’ 02:41:17 Leo Jacoby: https://www.afgarea9.org/uploads/4/3/4/9/43490087/2017-05_redlight-greenlightoncrosstalk.pdf 02:41:51 Nancy: STAN, YA HAPPY AND DELIGHTED YOU ‘USED YOUR OLD SCHOOL OF THOUGHT MASCULINE POWER OVER WOMEN’ CRAP? 02:42:26 Kathryn Alexander, MA: Nancy - stop harassing people! 02:42:52 Nancy: IN THE BEGINNING, THERE WAS TRAUMA, PAIN AND STRESS… AND IT WAS GOOD. YEAH RIGHT. 02:43:21 Nancy: DITTO KATHRN. 02:44:42 Leo Jacoby: We are not unique in becoming more conscious of our communication patterns and group dynamics and being more intentional about respectful participation. I provided many links so we might learn from others' experience of crosstalk and other barriers to fruitful communion. 02:46:59 diana: It's getting rather late in this part of the hemisphere/world. xxxoxoxooo 02:47:59 Kathryn Alexander, MA: This is no longer productive. I’m saying good bye. 02:50:14 Leo Jacoby: Ciao. No longer a group conversation.